2023 Boat Parade
Thanks to The Sand Bar and to North Sand Lake Photography for supporting the 2023 Boat Parade.
Boat Parade Poll Results:
Grand Champion: Fishin' for the Fourth - (Bergin/Bates/Soholt)
Second Place: Willy Wonka (Donahue)
Third Place: Flintstone's (Seagren)

Fishin' for the Fourth - Rear Boat (Bergin/Bates/Soholt)

Fishin' for the Fourth -Front boat (Bergin/Bates/Soholt)

Willy Wonka (Donahue)

Flintstone's (Seagren)

Stars, Stripes and a Martini (Larson)

Happy Fourth! (Primm)

Believe! Ted Lasso Does! (Berry)

Old Fashioned Ice Cream Truck (Lehn)

We (Heart) North Sand Lake (Kocha)

Say Cheese! (Anderson/Kuettel)

Windy City NASCAR (Caruso)

Noah's Ark (Leach)

Pirate's Rum (Wagner)

Blowin' Up Aubri's FOURth Birthday!! (Hansen)

100 Years of Hollywood (Bilot)
Say Cheese!