Zebra Mussels Found in Bone Lake
7 October 2024 - A landowner on Bone Lake, in Polk County has found zebra mussels that were confirmed with the Polk County Environmental Services and WDNR staff. The photo shows the adult zebra mussel attached to a native snail.
Zebra mussels are moving around our area. This latest find shows how important it is to keep our iLids camera and decontamination station operational at all times during the busy summer months. In addition, having paid CBCW landing attendees trained and up to date on aquatic invasive species identification and ALL county and state ordinances both encourages users to decontaminate and educates them on proper technique.
As you are up at the cabin, please be on the lookout for suspicious plants or animals. Please inspect and check your docks, boats, lefts and etc. when you pull them up for the season.
Once AIS are introduced and establish, it is much harder to remove them. Prevention is the most cost-effective, long-term solution for aquatic invasive species.
NSLA 501(c)(3) Application Approved
09 September 2024 - We are thrilled to announce that our association has been granted 501(c)(3) status by the Internal Revenue Service! This is a significant milestone for our organization and brings with it numerous benefits for both the association and our individual members. Importantly, these benefits apply to the entire 2024 tax year.
As a reminder, our association's purpose is "to preserve and protect North Sand Lake and its surroundings, and to enhance the water quality, fishery, boating safety, and aesthetic values of North Sand Lake as a public recreational facility for today and for future generations."
What does this mean for our association?
Increased credibility: This status enhances our legitimacy and credibility with the public and potential partners.
Grant eligibility: We can now apply for grants that are only available to 501(c)(3) organizations.
Reduced postal rates: We may qualify for nonprofit mailing privileges.
New fundraising options: We now have access to additional fundraising opportunities, including meat raffles and other events specifically allowed for 501(c)(3) organizations.
What does this mean for you as a member?
Tax-deductible donations: Your donations to the association are now tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law for the entire 2024 tax year.
Matching gifts: Many employers offer matching gift programs for donations to 501(c)(3) organizations, potentially doubling your impact.
Greater impact: With increased funding opportunities, we can expand our efforts to protect and preserve North Sand Lake.
Volunteer opportunities: Time spent volunteering for our organization may now be tax-deductible.
This new status will allow us to better serve our mission and community. Together, we can ensure that North Sand Lake remains a beautiful and thriving recreational resource for generations to come.
July 4 Celebration Day Poll
29 August 2023 - At the 2023 Spring Meeting, a member asked about having our July 4 celebration on Sunday instead of Saturday to allow more time for travel and boat parade preparations. As part of the boat parade poll, we asked the membership their preferences.
Other than “Always Saturday” or “Always Sunday,” a third option was offered that would switch the date based on the day of the week of the 4th. If the 4th fell on a Sunday or Monday and thus, the official holiday would be Monday, our party would switch to Sunday. Otherwise, it would be Saturday.
The results show that 58% of the respondents prefer the mixed Saturday-Sunday option, 35% prefer Saturday only, and the remaining 7% prefer Sunday only.
Practically, the choice of day could also be affected by the availability of the band and other local schedules. If these secondary issues can be resolved, our first Sunday celebration could occur in 2027.
Purple Loosestrife Update
17 July 2023 - Brian Hehn and Mark Pearson Brian spent time in early July looking for Purple Loosestrife along Peninsula Rd in the same areas work was done in the past to remove it.
The good news is that they didn’t find as large a concentration as was removed several years ago. Because it is a small patch, Brian and Mark believe they can remove the infestation without needing additional volunteers from the association.
For more information on this invasive species, visit the Wisconsin DNR site on Purple Loosestrife. If you find additional patches of this plant, please contact the association.
Zebra Mussels on the Mckenzie Chain
11 October 2022 - The photos to the right show the Zebra Mussels on a pontoon hull from one season in the Mckenzie Chain. It sounds like the infestation is quite bad.
This is what we are trying to avoid on North Sand Lake. Please continue to be careful and vigilant.